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Cooled multi-purpose camera - Shoot the universe, from planets to galaxies!
DeepSky exposures: These Nebula series cameras allow long exposures times of faint objects. The cameras in this series hence open up the world of nebulae and galaxies at a price that is significantly lower than for specialised deep sky cameras.
- active cooling to 30°C below ambient temperature
- long exposures from several seconds to several minutes
- suitable for short focal length telescopes
- the lightweight and compact design only loads your instrument minimally
- Diverse uses
- high sensitivity with low noise for excellent image quality, especially useful for deep sky objects
- high frame rate makes Nebula cameras very interesting for the Moon and planets
- low luminosity stars can be used for auto guiding thanks to 2x2 binning
- Image acquisition and auto guiding in one - The Visual Enhancement feature
- The overall image of a faint object is generated by the multiple images produced at relatively short exposure times being superimposed (this is also called 'stacking'). A very useful feature of iNova cameras is that you can follow this process live on your PC or laptop. The astronomical object becomes more clearly visible on the monitor - minute by minute. This feature is not only fun, it is also ideal for public demonstrations. Moreover, this technique allows simultaneous auto guiding.
- Included in delivery
- C-mount to 1.25" adapter
- USB cable
- mains adapter for the cooling unit
- colour cameras come equipped with a built-in IR filter
- PLxCapture software is the trusted and well-documented control software from iNova, also including an ASCOM plugin
Their ease of use and excellent documentation makes Nebula-series cameras highly suitable for beginners. Their great functionality and performance means you will still find your Nebula series camera useful even after you have become more experienced. Once you have a Nebula camera from iNova you will not need any other camera!